Economics: Economically, John Freedom is in the middle. He believes in common sense solutions to economic problems and generally wants to lower taxes to make the middle class life easier. (What every politician says right?) But John Freedom sincerely actually wishes to ease economic hardships for Americans. However, he will slightly increase taxes to increase military spending if necessary. He really likes the defense budget.. He is neither LEFT or RIGHT and will implement taxes on different wage groups fairly. John Freedom is absolutely a capitalist.
Foreign Relations: John Freedom’s first policy is reportedly to liberate Canada by any means necessary. This idea of his was stolen by Donald Trump after his election victory, but John Freedom doesn’t care who does it- he just wants it done. But in all seriousness, only if Canada wants to join us. This goes for all other nations too, we will NOT TAKE OVER A PEOPLE THAT DO NOT WANT TO JOIN US! As for the United Kingdom, he wants to completely destroy the island (joke) (maybe?). As for every other nation in the world, he reportedly wants to “LIBERATE ‘EM ALL”. We’re not sure if this means that he will declare war on every single nation in the world, but we believe he won’t. What he will do though is try to talk nations into giving up their own sovereignty we guess, but who knows. He wishes sincerely to get along with the rest of the world and to wage war only if necessary, for FREEDOM!
Cabinet Picks: John Freedom as of 3/1/25 has not yet announced who his cabinet will consist of, or even who he plans on having as his running mate. But this information will be revealed when these picks are made. John Freedom assures you that, they will be “Very American” and “Founding Father material”
Political Alignment: John Freedom often says he is neither left or right, but he might choose one of the parties later down the road so he can get elected. He dislikes the two party system but says he will probably have to abide by it to get elected. He believes in a mixture of all kinds of beliefs from across the spectrum to do what he personally believes is best for his country and his countrymen. His agenda is therefore whatever will help America and the American people. He has said that he wishes to pass laws in benefit of what the country as a whole wants, not what half of the country wants and half of the country strongly opposes. He believes strongly in being the mouthpiece of the American populous as a whole. Though, he prides himself on common sense and just being the most patriotic person there is, as well as being THE founding father.
The Future: John Freedom believes in protecting the planet and not just the American environment but the World’s environment to the best of his ability, but still harvesting it’s resources for the benefit of The United States. He in particular, believes in drilling oil from all over the world- even oil that is in other countries? Will he invade those other countries? Who knows! John Freedom is also a prominent believer in exploring space and “LIBERATING THE UNIVERSE”. He wants to explore the cosmos and liberate it in the name of the United States. Should he run into Aliens, it’s uncertain what John Freedom’s reaction as leader of the Free World would be. But it will be American. We know that much…
Military: John Freedom believes in maintaining the strongest military in the world and will keep that by any means necessary. However, he will try his best not employ a draft unless absolutely necessary; valuing the American right to choose what you want to be doing with your life, and enjoying it while you’re here. Should John Freedom call for Freedom Fighters though, you will be called. FOR FREEDOM!
Human Rights: This is easy. Many people ask, John Freedom do you believe in Trans rights? Black rights? Womens rights? PFFT, OF COURSE! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! YOU’RE ASKING JYYAAAAHHHN FREEDOM! He believes in Freedom for EVERYONE. He believes in equal rights for ALL AMERICANS. GRAGGGHHHHGHH!!! Concerningly though, he said he liked the MK Ultra project on multiple occasions, though we believe this is just a joke.
In conclusion, John Freedom is a man who stands for what he believes is common sense. He believes in Justice, LOTS OF FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE TO DO WHAT THEY WANT! Democracy, Personal Liberty, and more. He loves and lives on Gun Ownership but heavily dislikes the tragedy and horror that happens in schools and other public places and will try his best to find solutions. In many ways he is both left and right but doesn’t consider himself either, he considers himself an American. An American Patriot. His followers are not merely just enjoyers of comedy, they are believers in The United States of America. They love their freedom, and they love America. They are believers of the promise of a better tomorrow and the American Dream. John Freedom is not just an actor or a comedian but a man who truly wants to do his country the best service he can. Being the most patriotic there is, that comes quite naturally to him. John Freedom loves Freedom, and he loves America.

John Freedom. A man who is a man, and therefore cannot get pregnant. But like said a very interesting man. Johnathan Washington Freedom was born on July 4th, 1776 to unknown parents when a Bald Eagle dropped him out of the sky. This is when he claims to have ‘Created the United States of America’ as the ultimate founding father. Other reports show that he was around for the Boston Tea Party and the battles at Lexington and Concord though, so this information might not be entirely accurate. He was best friends with all of the founding fathers and took part in almost every conflict America has ever been in. On June 25th, 1830, John Freedom was called Bald on multiple occasions, but John Freedom vehemently denies these allegations. After fighting the confederates in the Civil War, he reportedly banished Jefferson Davis to the underworld. From the year 1900 onward, he continued taking part in virtually every single war America has been in, including World War II, and he personally dropped the 2 nuclear bombs on Japan at its conclusion, quoting: “SCREAMING EAGLES”. We believe this isn’t the first time this phrase was used by him. During the Cold War he met his now long time enemy, Charles Communism. The two fought it out twice before, but both have managed to escape heavily wounded each time. It is to be noted that John Freedom has a “Freedom Blast” that he uses against his enemies. It’s like a psychic mind weapon channeled into the palm of his hands creating a large amount of energy that turns into a laser of pure freedom. When the energy is shot out, it creates a blast at the intended target incinerating anything and everything in the area. John Freedom was arrested multiple times for “crimes” that I will not mention on this site out of fear of being Freedom Blasted.
Today, John Freedom makes content on the internet. He is without a doubt the most American man alive; some even call him America itself. Is he America? John Freedom also claims to have been reincarnated in a new body sometime after the turn of the millennium.
John Freedom is a male, born in the United States, a Gen Z in July of ‘05. He’s been doing content creation and dreamed of being a content creator on screen for a long time, and those ambitions have expanded to being the leader of the free world. Will he be able to do it?
Additional Info:
.Dabbles in acting & presidential running
.White, and 5’7, 120lb as of the beginning of 2025
.The most American man literally maybe ever
.Floridian (Yup, a Florida Man)
.All of his ambitions are driven from his immense patriotism and enjoyment in entertaining, helping out, and uplifting others.
John Freedom Quote:
-John Freedom